Caricatures at Lardarius Webb Foundation 3rd Annual Bowling Classic 2013

The Ravens did not look good yesterday playing the Cleveland Browns, coming away with a big loss. 🙁 But Friday night at Timonium Fairlanes, Lardarius Webb and some of his teammates were BIG WINNERS coming out to benefit underprivileged children and families for his 3rd Annual Bowling Classic.
I was there drawing caricatures all evening, got to meet and draw some of the players too, it was a great event. Here are some photos of the event. Thanks to photographer Dorrell Wallace from The Unbrella Syndicate, for his great photos.
Lardarius-FINAL2-smLardarius n me
1452068_576831702370481_1758819342_nLardarius event draw 2
1000332_576847712368880_494654015_nLardarius James n me
Lardarius event draw 1Lardarius event draw 3Lardarius Raven playersLardarius  cell phone
Some of Lardarius’s teammates got a kick out of the drawing I did and were sharing it on social media.

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